why foster with us

why choose us

Fostering childs hands drawing Fostering childs hands drawing

why choose us?

Foster Wales is unlike other foster agencies. We’re the national network of not-for-profit Local Authority fostering services in Wales.

We’re all about people, not profit. Foster Wales is committed to working together with foster carers to build better lives for local children in their local area.

Building brighter futures for children is our priority and our purpose. It’s what really counts. 

Fostering childs hands drawing

our mission

Every child has a different story, but for every single child our mission is the same: to create a better future. 

There are children of all ages in Flintshire who need us and you.


our support

We’re your local support network, providing support to you and the children in our care.

We’ll be there for you every step of the way on your fostering journey to offer our dedicated expertise, advice and essential training.


our ways of working

Connection and collaboration are key to everything we do at Foster Wales Flintshire. We work together to create better futures for children in local communities.

Our organisation is part of your community – we’re part of the furniture.

Every child is unique and has individual needs. Our foster carers are unique too, and our duty is to help them be the best version of themselves, utilising their talents and supporting their development along the way.


your choice

We know that you need to make the right choice for your family. We’re here to provide you with the support and the information you need to make the best decisions.

Choose to work with people who genuinely care with Foster Wales. Our people are trained, dedicated individuals who live where you do and understand the realities of life in your community.

Get in touch with us today to take the first step.

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